A good massage should be restorative to both body and mind. My intention with massage is to bring the body back into balance and to allow the mind to have a sense of peace. I use Myofascial Release, elements of Thai massage, Reiki, Trigger Point Therapy, and Shiatsu to soothe sore muscles, reduce pain, and calm the central nervous system. I am open to educating people about their bodies and helping them address long-term issues they may face. I begin every massage with gentle rocking to awaken the body to massage and compression to ready the body for change. Then we may use a sustained hold myofascial release technique on the head and chest or forearms and hands. Passive stretching and isometric-resistance stretches on arms and legs help to find trigger points and shorten or lengthen muscles to bring them back into balance. Deep, consistent pressure and cross-fiber friction help break up scar tissue and increase mobility. Static hand holds draw attention and energy to specific areas. Gentle friction along opposing muscle groups floods the central nervous system with information and induces a sense of peace. We use energy work to close the session. I may recommend specific stretches and self-massage techniques to extend the benefits of the massage. Most people leave the session in a euphoric state.